G.P.S.® is for business owners ready to be in charge of your own website, social media and SEO. It’s the difference between driving yourself to your destination… or hitch-hiking.
You’re sick and tired of feeling lost, overwhelmed, dependent on solicitors who say they can “do it for you” for a small fortune, only to disappoint you. You know in your gut no one can do this for you. You’re ready to step behind the wheel of the driver’s seat and get s**t done right.
You just need G.P.S.®.
G.P.S.® provides direction, instruction, step-by-step support so YOU can manage your own online business with confidence and authority. G.P.S.® gives you 24/7 access to support, tools, information and monthly coaching covering everything you need to know about your website, social media, SEO and brand marketing.
We make sure YOU GET WHERE YOU WANT TO GO, with the ability to retrace your steps and get there again and again.
We’re not interested in doing it for you… and you shouldn’t be either. This is your business and your life. You are in charge.
Otherwise, you might as well stand by the side of the road, stick your thumb out and hope for the best?
Who is G.P.S.®for?
You have a website, but you don’t know how to manage it, let alone use social media and SEO to grow your business. You feel lost, overwhelmed, and confused. There are a lot of solicitors telling you they can “do this for you” for a small fortune but you’re not sure how to tell if they’re real, and you have had plenty of bad experiences relying on 3rd parties to run your own business already.
So, now… here you are in the driver’s seat behind the steering wheel of your own website. You’re ready to navigate the online frontier to take control of your online business, but need step-by-step instructions and support.
The key is in the ignition. Your foot is resting on the gas pedal. How do you start? Where do you go from here? That’s where G.P.S.® comes in.
What is it?
G.P.S.® stands for Greta Personal Support (clever, right?). It is a monthly membership service created to help answer all of your questions regarding your website, social media, SEO, marketing & branding, productivity… basically anything related to managing your online business.
I created this service out of a real need identified by my clients who desperately needed a gentle push once our projects were complete. They didn’t need to hire a full service agency. They just needed an expert to answer a simple question or two, with patience and kindness. They needed someone they could trust to break “it” down for them in plain language and easy-to-follow instructions. G.P.S.® was born from a very real need and has helped my clients tremendously for over a decade.
G.P.S.® is your personal mentor, guide, tutor, advisor, advocate, and your coach all in one. It provides you with the guidance, support and tools you need to manage your website and entire online business. We don’t do the work for you, but rather we provide you with personal step-by-step instructions and guidance so you actually learn to do it for yourself.
G.P.S.® shows you how to get there in the most efficient and best ways possible, but you still have to take each step. And, the best part is that once you’ve reached your destination, you know exactly how to retrace your steps again and again. You are no longer lost or overwhelmed, and you can instruct and manage your own online business with authority and confidence.
What do I get? How does it work?
I’ve created several easy online systems, but… really… the best part of G.P.S.® is that you can just send me an email with your question and get it answered. Or, you can call me. I’m there for you. I don’t take on too many G.P.S.® members, keeping it manageable to provide exceptional service.
And, if you’re the type that prefers online systems, I have an online ticketing system to track our progress. I have a slew of great articles to describe most issues. I’ll supply you with whatever YOU need to get on your way with confidence.
Who’s Greta?
My name is Greta Rose Pharr and I am the founder of Greta Rose Agency and author of How to Manage Your Own Website. I have helped hundreds of businesses create, develop, manage and grow their online reputations. My work has been seen on Oprah.com, Marie Forleo’s MarieTV, theSkimm, Tim Ferriss, TED Talks, Huffington Post, and even the Vatican in Rome!
How much does it cost?
There are three levels of service depending on how much “Greta” you want and need. Everyone pays on the 1st of each month, so your first month is pro-rated.
How is it guaranteed?
If you don’t find G.P.S.® helpful, just let Greta know and she’ll refund your month no questions asked.
Will you fix my website for me?
G.P.S.® is more of a tutor than a repair shop. We don’t do the work for you, we teach you how to do it really really well yourself. We are your advocate, we are your coach, we’ll walk you through and provide personal in-your-face step-by-step instructions… but, no, we don’t do it for you. We believe that no 3rd party service can run your website well. Anyone who says they can is not being very honest with you. If you find you need development or design work done for you, Greta Rose Agency is here to help and we can discuss pricing for your project.
What is new and different about G.P.S.® ?
G.P.S.® was created as a solution to our clients’ consistent problem: they would hire us to build their website, but at the conclusion of our project they would feel totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of managing their website, social media, SEO and brand marketing. They couldn’t afford to hire full time help (they didn’t know who to hire, anyway), and they were consistently disappointed by 3rd party vendors who promised results and never delivered. They were totally ill-equipped to run their own online businesses and actually didn’t even know if they were getting good results from 3rd party vendors because they didn’t know how to evaluate the quality of service being provided.
Greta saw a void that desperately needed to be filled – teaching and coaching business owners how to manage their website, and all of the various components to one’s online reputation, including SEO, social media, brand marketing.
We developed and refined G.P.S.® for over 5 years because we needed to be sure we could provide a service that could live up to our standards and could be affordable. We don’t let you off the hook of having to manage your own website, but we do give you all the information you need – and the community of peers and colleagues – to master it yourself.
We believe with all our hearts that you should know how to manage your own website – even if you delegate it to someone else on your team later. In this day and age, with technology progressing faster and faster, we provide a way for you to be empowered and get the best results. No one will ever care about your business more than you do, so we think you should know this information.
G.P.S.® is here to give you the tools and support you need to run your online business like a pro.
How can I sign up for G.P.S.® ?
Just click here! We’d love to have you join us. At the end of the day, G.P.S.® may have shown you the way, but you’re the one who did all the work and knows how to find your way back here again and again.