Gratitude Revealed –


Email Marketing
Engagement & Audience Growth
Reporting & Analysis
Social Impact
Social Media

Project Highlight

Launched Series Exclusively on

Working closely with Oprah’s team, we created a dedicated Gratitude Revealed channel.

Defining Moment

Extraordinary Collaborations & Partnerships

This project served as a catalyst for the greatest thought leaders to join forces.

Success Milestone

Secured Grants from Templeton, Fetzer, Arthur Blank Foundation

Executed mission strategy & gathered critical data for NGOs.

Established Value

Developed global brand from scratch

Established original identity, setting the foundation for a global brand.

Measurable Impact

Helped Launch Dedicated Positive Streaming Channel

Gratitude Revealed launched, a streaming channel offered for free.

Key Contribution

Produced Gratitude Events in NYC, Los Angeles, and D.C. 

These multi-faceted experiences celebrated all the senses to explode gratitude! 



With the help of a generous Templeton Grant and strategic partner Oprah Winfrey, Louie Schwartzberg was challenged to produce statistical proof of the global impact of gratitude through the creation of 15 short films. This later evolved into a full-length feature film which toured the U.S. and ultimately premiered on his own streaming channel, Moving Art.

Louie Schwartzberg is an award-winning cinematographer, director and producer known for his ability to inspire, educate and evolve our perspective of the natural world. His notable theatrical releases include Fantastic Fungi, narrated by Brie Larson, the 3D IMAX film Mysteries of the Unseen World with National Geographic, narrated by Forest Whitaker, and the pollination documentary Wings of Life for Disneynature, narrated by Meryl Streep. Louie’s three TED talks have gone viral with over 47 million combined views.



The indicator of success here was measured in total video views. Templeton required 3.5 million. To date, we have over 20 million and counting.

Greta Rose Agency would have the joy of creating something out of nothing: the brand, the strategy, the tools, the reporting. We would design and build (multiple) websites, including a vast library of visually inspiring content. We would create, develop and execute the brand and social media marketing strategy. 


What We Created: A Catalyst for Inspiration

Perhaps the greatest highlight of this project was the deep connection with inspirational people from around the world – thought leaders in the space of gratitude, kindness and love. I had the extreme pleasure of creating conversations, sparking new ways of connecting audiences, and capturing the magic in a way that could be easily shared. I pinched myself many times per day!


And… Marie Forleo

Oprah Winfrey claimed exclusive rights to present the project on, including Super Soul Sunday. Arianna Huffington would dedicate a section of HuffPo to Gratitude Revealed. I also introduced Louie to Marie Forleo and created the opportunity for Louie to be on MarieTV.

“Greta Rose has a rare and exceptionally valuable skill set – in one person I find an artist, fellow geek, designer/developer, data hound, web guru, strategist… all in a savvy business person who is actually fun to hang out with, too. Greta quickly became a trusted member of my crew, giving voice to not one, but two new brands we were developing, and their related online communities. She is well worth the investment and I’ll definitely be back next time I have another brand to launch.”

~ Scott James, Chief Executive Officer, Moving Art

Michael Beckwith, Koya Webb, Danielle LaPorte, Agape
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