theSkimm graphic by Greta Rose Agency

If you aren’t among the million + demographic who start their mornings with a cup of coffee and their Daily Skimm, SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Trust me. You’ll love theSkimm.

But, why you’ll love them is a fascinating case study in successful email campaigning. Recently, I’ve had the HUGE honor of getting to work with theSkimm, and experience their strategy first hand…


Every morning, I highlight my inbox in preparation for the trash. Then I scan down the list to see if anything should stay. 98% of items don’t make the cut.

In an area that most of us dread – sending compelling and consistent emails to our subscribers – how does theSkimm get through my inbox fortress so well?

Email can so easily be BORING, SPAMMY, INCONSISTENT, TOO LONG, UNCLEAR. You know what I’m talking about, right? And yet, email marketing still lures us to try again and again to use it as a tool to reach potential customers.

Let’s break down the components of the Daily Skimm emails, and take a closer look at how they win our hearts.

1. The Opt-in.
No annoying pop up windows!! Actually, they grow their audience mostly by word-of-mouth. That’s how I learned about them. The goal is to be so good that people tell other people about you. theSkimm encourages their readers to tell other readers (they even reward them for it), knowing this is the best way to bring someone new into the fold.

2. The Subject Line.
They clearly think long and hard on how to stand out in your inbox. Witty, short, usually a throw-back reference that makes me smile, their subject lines are eye-catching. They avoid long, detailed, unemotional titles. They know their audience, and they know we’re just scanning by.

3. Easy to Read.
Their delivery is so easy to read. They make it so inviting to scan down the page, breaking everything into bite sized bits. A title, a splash of color (only ONE splash), a sub-title, a small paragraph. Boom done. My eyes are happy, and I’ve absorbed everything I wanted to.

4. The (lack of) Advertising.
I love this most of all. They don’t permit clutter from advertising on the page. Rather, they cleverly integrate marketing partners into the content in a fun authentic way. It feels respectful to me, and it makes me want to check out their partnerships more than ever, interestingly!

5. The Humor.
By far their best feature, I think. I can’t get through a Skimm without laughing out loud. They know when to take it to a serious note, but they always maintain a fun, lighthearted, hilarious-at-times way of talking about the news. Love this.

6. The Voice.
Carly and Danielle have stated clearly who their audience is. They know their customer inside and out, and they don’t try to cast too large a net, straying from their truest fan. Because of this, their voice is so consistent, and their brand so solid, I can recognize them anywhere. This will only strengthen with time.

Greta Rose Agency
Ok, so if you’re like me, this will make us both think twice about our next email we send out, and about how we invite and grow our beloved fans. Have you considered these factors into your email? Take a double (or triple) look and make sure you have. Your fans will thank you for the respect you’re showing them.

Oh, and check out what theSkimm founders, Carly and Danielle, have to say about working with Greta Rose Agency.

Yep, I’m that cool!

Take note of what works, or better yet, share with the rest of us! Do you have a successful open rate on your emails? What has worked (or not) for you?
Greta Rose Agency


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